CFO faces numerous charges

A SENIOR official of the Capricorn district municipality has been served with a notice of suspension following allegations of misconduct, gross dereliction of duty, in-subordination and financial misconduct.

Templeton Phogole, the municipality's chief financial officer, has been given until Friday to make a written representation to council on why he should not be suspended.

Phogole was acting municipal manager from September 2010, after the departure of Miriam Molala, and until the appointment of new incumbent Ngoako Molokomme in July this year.

Sowetan is also in possession of a letter dated October 27 2011 and signed by Molokomme, which indicates that Phogole would be suspended for a period "not exceeding three months".

Among other things, Phogole faces charges of financial misconduct for allegedly appointing a service provider without adequate budget amount.

He allegedly made payments of more than R600000 to a service provider without a written and signed contract, which was in contravention of applicable legal requirements.

He also allegedly misled Molokomme by making him sign invoices and ratifying transactions that were electronically paid between July and August 2010 by the former municipal manager, amounting to more than R44-million.

The unsigned invoices allegedly included four companies that were irregularly appointed and jointly paid more than R10-million.

"As acting accounting officer from September 2010 to July 2011 you failed to exercise fiduciary responsibility by not disclosing to council the electronic payments that were effected without obtaining the necessary invoice approval," read the letter in part.

Phogole also faced an insubordination charge for "failing to carry out lawful written instruction from both the executive mayor and current municipal manager."

He also allegedly disapproved of the appointment of the highest scoring candidate for a secretary's position.

Further investigations were being conducted and more charges could be brought against Phogole.

Approached for comment, Phogole said he would only respond after he had read the letter.

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