'No comment' on Malema's reported arrest

The Hawks and the ANC Youth League remained mum this morning amid reports that Julius Malema faces arrest on charges related to his financial affairs

“No, I cannot comment on that,” said Hawks spokesman McIntosh Polela.

African National Congress Youth League spokesman Floyd Shivambu also declined to comment. “No comment,” he said, before ending the phone call.

The Times reported on Monday that a joint investigation by the Hawks and the SA Revenue Service into the youth leader’s financial affairs was almost complete.

It said the probe was “as good as complete” and that it was ”just a matter of time” before authorities acted.

The Sunday Independent reported at the weekend that an investigation into Malema had uncovered prima facie evidence of wrongdoing.

Malema’s Ratanang Family Trust, and companies including On-Point  Engineering and SGL Engineering, allegedly formed part of the investigation.    

Both companies have been awarded tenders in Limpopo province, which is also reportedly under investigation by the Hawks.

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