ANCYL marches unnecessary - IFP youth

'The ANCYL are flexing their muscles to fight President Zuma at the collective expense of economic growth, development and stability'

The ANC Youth League’s planned marches for economic freedom are unnecessary, the IFP Youth Brigade said on Wednesday.

“The Youth Brigade condemns them in the strongest possible terms,” Inkatha Freedom Party Youth Brigade chairman Mkhuleko Hlengwa said in a statement.

“They will cause much unneeded economic anxiety in a country that is in desperate need of job creation and economic growth.”    

The Economic Freedom Youth Mass Action will be held on October 27 and 28 at Beyers Naude Square in central Johannesburg, the Chamber of Mines in Hollard street in Johannesburg, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in Sandton and at the Union Buildings in Pretoria, where a night vigil is planned.

The ANC Youth League is to march to promote the nationalisation of mines and expropriation of land without compensation.    

Hlengwa said it was regrettable that the ANC succession battle would become a matter that could cripple business confidence in South Africa.

“The ANCYL are flexing their muscles to fight President [Jacob] Zuma at the collective expense of economic growth, development and stability.”   

The IFP Youth Brigade felt the debate on nationalisation needed to end, said Hlengwa.

“Nationalisation is not an option that we can afford to take as South Africa as a means of economic transformation and redress.”   

The SA Communist Party and Young Communist League have also lashed out against the ANCYL’s planned march, urging its members not to participate.

Last week, the Congress of SA Trade Unions said it would join the ANCYL.

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