Malema admitted to hospital

ANC Youth League president Julius Malema was admitted to a private hospital in Polokwane on Wednesday, the league said in a statement.

It declined to give details on his condition.

"The ANC Youth League will not take media enquiries concerning his hospitalisation, as we strongly believe that his health is a private matter, and should be treated as such," it said.

"Members of the media are therefore humbly requested to not make enquiries concerning this, nor pry into the privacy of the president's health, because doing so is unethical, immoral and despicable."

The SABC reported earlier that Malema was suffering from "flu symptoms".

It said he would not attend his African National Congress disciplinary hearing in Johannesburg on Thursday.

Malema's lawyer Dali Mpofu said he would ask for a postponement of the hearing on Thursday.

"Yes I think they will postpone it because he is in hospital and it cannot continue without him."

Mpofu said he did not have more details.

"We will know more about his condition tomorrow."

National disciplinary committee chairman Derek Hanekom said the committee was keen to conclude the hearing as soon as possible.

"We don't want unnecessary delays, but at the same time we want a fair process throughout," he said.

"We will meet tomorrow with Malema's representatives and hopefully we will get information on Malema's state of health and when he is expected to be discharged... you know he might be serious. Normally one is not admitted into hospital with a mere cold."

Hanekom said it was the right of Malema's team to make an application for a postponement, but that it would have to be on "good grounds".

"I cannot comment on hearsay or make judgements on rumours. We will deal with the facts once it's in front of us."

Malema faces charges of bringing the ANC into disrepute and sowing division within party ranks.

He recently said the ANCYL would send a team to Botswana to consolidate local opposition parties and help bring about regime change.

Charged with him are ANCYL spokesman Floyd Shivambu, deputy president Ronald Lamola, treasurer general Pule Mabe, secretary general Sindiso Magaqa and deputy secretary general Kenetswe Mosenogi.

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