Serial rapist suspect denied bail

Accused of raping nine girls and young women aged between 12 and 20-years-old

A man accused of raping nine people was denied bail by the Mahwelereng Magistrate’s Court in Limpopo, police said on Tuesday.    

Daniel Mokibelo Notwane, 45, appeared in court on Monday after he allegedly raped the nine, aged between 12 and 20-years-old,  Lt-Col Mohale Ramatseba said.    

Notwana would allegedly pretend to be a ranger, and would confront the women while they were collecting fire wood at farms around Mahwelereng, Ramatseba said.    

The rapes occurred between June 8 and September 5.

Notwane would appear in Mahwelereng Magistrate’s Court again on October 5, Ramatseba said.

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