Two men in court over girl's killing

12-year-old murdered

TWO men arrested in connection with the disappearance and murder of 12-year-old Ida Ngomba appeared briefly in the Brandfort magistrate's court yesterday.

Luckyboy Jan Segopolo, 32, and Godfrey Tshidiso Makonyane, 33, are accused of kidnapping and murdering the child in April.

Little Ngomba allegedly went missing from her home in Majwemasweu in Brandfort in April. Police discovered burnt bones and a skull believed to be her's at a quarry near her home in Skoti township. She was allegedly abducted after visiting a family friend in Deepsveld.

Captain Stephen Thakeng said they were still waiting for DNA test results to establish whether the bones are her's.

"The police keep telling us that they are waiting for DNA results but we are in pain because we cannot bury our little girl," said the 12-year-old's aunt, Esman Moabi.

She added: "We cannot bury the body before the DNA results come back from Pretoria because we are not sure if it is our little girl or not.

"The DNA results will make it easier for us to establish what happened. Our family wants to know who killed our little girl.

"We wish this nightmare to come to an end because we need closure," said Moabi.

Thakeng said the two suspects would remain in custody and would be back in court on August 17.

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