Man killed, girl injured

A MAN was shot and killed while his girlfriend was seriously wounded in Kraaifontein in the Western Cape at the weekend

The couple were walking to the man's place in Phase 6 in the early hours of Saturday morning when they were attacked. The incident happened in Xuma Street near a Somali tuck shop.

An eyewitness said: "I opened my window slightly after hearing two gunshots to see what was happening. I saw two youngsters walking away from where the man was lying. I could not see what they were wearing because it was dark."

The wounded woman, from Phase 9, was taken to hospital.

Resident Themba Mbono, 28, told Sowetan: "I did not hear any gunshots. Someone banged on my shack, screaming for help. I phoned my neighbour and we both went out to investigate."

Mbono said they found a woman who told them she and her boyfriend had been shot.

"I could not see if she was bleeding or not because it was dark. I called a member of the street committee, who alerted the police," he said.

The lifeless body of the man lay on the ground for several hours.

Police spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Andr é Traut said: "In response to your enquiry, kindly be advised that my records reveal no such incident in Kraaifontein this morning."

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