Limpopo leads with rogue IEC officials

THE Independent Electoral Commission in Limpopo has recorded the highest number of officials who were fired during the local government elections.

The electoral body has, in total, dismissed seven people in the country so far for various transgressions.

But Limpopo is tops after six of the seven were chopped from the province.

Spokesperson for the IEC in Limpopo, Motsiri Ramafalo, said those dismissed were found to have been "politically active".

"Some of the officials were found to have been delivering election materials with cars branded with colours of political parties and this is not acceptable according to the electoral code of conduct," Ramafalo said.

"We have formally relieved four officials of their duties for various reasons. Two of them, who were ward managers, had carried IEC materials in a campaign car while two were linked to political party campaigns."

He said two other officials were replaced because they did not report for duty.

According to Ramafalo, they were happy with the voter turnout and they were anticipating to complete the counting process by today.

Meanwhile, the ANC in Limpopo has condemned in the strongest possible terms the intimidation of IEC officials and the vandalising of public property in and around the Tubatse area on election day.

This follows allegations that a school meant to be used as a voting station was burnt down by pupils who accused the principal of introducing new disciplinary measures which they were not happy with, including wearing of school uniforms.

Ngoanangoato Secondary School at Ranto village in the Sekhukhune area, which was to be used as a voting station, had its library burnt down by the pupils on Tuesday night.

The station was later moved to the local tribal authority offices.

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