Family in boat accident

Six people, including a 7-year old child, are missing feared dead after a boat capsized in a dam in Dimbaza near King William’s Town

“Divers and search and rescue members are still in the water looking for the bodies,” said spokesman John Fobian from an Eastern Cape disaster management team.

“The visibility is zero down there... they’re using their hands to feel around in between tree stumps and lots of other debris.”   

The accident occurred at about 1.40pm on Sunday afternoon.

Four adults and a seven-year old child, who are all family members, are presumed to have drowned, Fobian said.

A 14-year old boy, not related to the family on the boat, also drowned when he swam from the shore and tried to rescue the victims.

“The boat, a 4-metre long river boat with a petrol engine, took on water and capsized while the family were riding around on the dam.

“We hope to find some bodies by this evening”.


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