Catholic church failing members

THE Roman Catholic Church leadership must take responsibility for the recent shameful sex-abuse shenanigans.

This heinous crime has been happening since time immemorial. Instead of decisively dealing with it, church leaders continuously sweep it under the carpet.

At their ordination to the priesthood church elders prostrate themselves on the floor as an act of humility and their willingness to occupy the moral high ground. But the leadership has acted inconsistently and have failed thousands of congregants. Their silence makes them accomplices to these horrendous crimes.

The Catholic Church is trapped in a prison of conservatism. The undesirable trajectory in which the church finds itself today is a direct result of its failure to evolve with the times and to recognise the needs of its clergy.

No wonder there is a sharp decrease in young men joining the priesthood. The church is at odds with its people. Young people want to enter the priesthood, but don't want to be celibate.

Changing with the times does not necessarily equal amoral behaviour and the thinking that celibacy is a panacea for all things immoral is to bury one's head in the sand and hope for the best.

The church must expose priests who sexually abuse children. Priesthood must be open to those who desire a celibate lifestyle as well as those who want to get married. Unless they have these choices, sex scandals will continue.

Siphiwe Sithole, Nelspruit

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