'Councillor shoots car-theft suspect'

A LIMPOPO man wanted for a number of car thefts is in police custody after he was shot while allegedly committing a similar offence.

The man, from Xikundu village near Malamulele, whose name is known to Sowetan, allegedly tried to steal a car belonging to Joe Chavani, a councillor in the Vhembe district municipality.

Police spokesperson Inspector Alson Mapindani confirmed that Chavani had found three men on his premises at the weekend.

"The owner of the house fired a shot, injuring one of the men and the other two ran away," Mapindani said.

He said the injured man was wanted in connection with at least two cases in the Saselamani area.

Mapindani said the suspect was seriously injured after being shot in the face by Chavani and is under police guard at Malamulele Hospital.

He sai d the police had opened an attempted murder case against Chavani and one of attempted car theft against the injured suspect .

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