killer found hanged

A MURDER suspect who is alleged to have killed his local chief's assistant - and mutilating his body - has been found dead.

Shakwane Sebopetsa, 28, was found hanging from the rafters of his house in Thako village in Bolobedu, outside Tzaneen, yesterday morning.

Sebopetsa and three other alleged accomplices were being sought by the Tzaneen police in connection with the death of Phetole Mnizo Mohale of Kwekgwe-Matsebeleng village.

Sebopetsa's body was discovered soon after villagers raised suspicions that he was involved in the slaying of Mohale.

The body was discovered by members of the community, led by local chief Ramatapa Kenneth Mahasha.

The other three suspects were single-handedly arrested by ward 9 councillor Masilo Vonyoko Maloko while they were trying to flee the village.

Maloko handed the suspects over to the police.

Limpopo police spokesperson Superintendent Mohale Ramatseba said the suspects were two males and a female.

They have been charged with murder and will appear in the Tzaneen magistrate's court soon.

An inquest docket has been opened in connection with Sebopetsa's death.

Ramatseba said Mohale's corpse, the victim of the alleged murderers, was discovered by a group of women gathering firewood in the bushes yesterday.

Ramatseba said Mohale had gone missing on Saturday, a day after he received his first old age grant, which had accumulated for three months.

"On the night he went missing he reportedly went on a drinking binge with a group of men, who are known to the police."

Ramatseba said the victim's toes, chest, penis and scrotum where missing, raising suspicions that his killers wanted to use the parts for sale or muthi.

The murder took place barely three weeks after the body of a another Marirone man was found dumped in the village's cemetery, also with his body's parts missing.

Ramatseba said both cases were being investigated.

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