16 houses for abused families

THE Limpopo provincial department of local government and housing presented houses to 16 families in Mokopane's Extension 19 yesterday.

The initiative of the Mogalakwena municipality was in partnership with Capricorn FM. It also coincided with the end of 16 Days of Activism For No Violence Against Abuse Women and Children campaign.

Most of the beneficiaries were women and children who were either abused or raped.

"We got freedom in 1994 but 15 years of democracy has not emancipated our women and children from the oppression of abuse. They are still not free in a free country," MEC Soviet Leganyane said.

"Every day we hear stories of women been raped, assaulted, discriminated against, killed and psychologically harassed."

Capricorn FM chief executive Simphiwe Mdlalose said they would continue to raise awareness about the abuse of women and children.

A cement company donated a R10000 to the campaign.

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