2 die in wet road crashes

PARAMEDICS had their hands full yesterday attending to several road crashes as heavy rains pelted the KwaZulu-Natal coastline and hinterland.

PARAMEDICS had their hands full yesterday attending to several road crashes as heavy rains pelted the KwaZulu-Natal coastline and hinterland.

Two people died and 12 people were injured in separate crashes.

A woman was killed and another man seriously injured when two cars collided on the N3 near Hilton in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, Netcare spokesperson Jeff Wicks said.

In another horrific crash between a minibus and a bakkie on the M4 past Umhlanga the driver of the bakkie was killed instantly.

A light goods truck and a Golf crashed on the Umbumbulu road near Mid-Illovo seriously injuring nine people and leaving two others in a critical condition.

"Most crashes on the wet roads were linked to poor and reckless driving," Wicks said.

"Motorists also did not adhere to the following distances," he said.

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