Mom 'kills children to save lover'

A 24-YEAR-OLD mother was arrested yesterday for killing her two children by slitting their throats in the Mbutshane area of Sweetwaters, outside Pietermaritzburg.

A 24-YEAR-OLD mother was arrested yesterday for killing her two children by slitting their throats in the Mbutshane area of Sweetwaters, outside Pietermaritzburg.

Nontobeko Mngadi, 5, and Xolani Mngadi, 3, were found lying on the bed with several open wounds to their heads. Their throats had been slit.

Local councillor Babashane Ntuli described the tragedy as shocking.

He alleged that the woman killed her children to protect her boyfriend, who is accused of raping Nontobeko.

"This woman must be mad. She killed her own children to protect her boyfriend, who was arrested on Sunday for allegedly raping Nontobeko," said Ntuli.

The woman, who cannot be identified until she appears in court today, allegedly killed her children yesterday morning.

Police spokesperson Inspector Joey Jeevan said that police received a report of a murder and on arrival at the scene, they found the two children dead.

Jeevan said investigations at the scene established that at about 5am yesterday, a woman was on her way to a nearby kraal.

"She noticed her 24-year-old daughter run past her kraal. She proceeded to her daughter's kraal where she made the gruesome discovery," Jeevan said.

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