Arms deal back to haunt ANC

THE arms deal saga is just like the proverbial phoenix, which refuses to die.

THE arms deal saga is just like the proverbial phoenix, which refuses to die.

The DA's revelation that South Africa is selling arms to countries that are regarded as rogue states by the UN is depressing.

The arms deal cost Jacob Zuma his position as deputy president. Tony Yengeni has a criminal record because of it and former president Thabo Mbeki could not finish his term because of it .

When Zuma took over, he said he was willing to probe the arms deal if it was in the interests of the country. So Mr President, please set up a commission of inquiry. Whoever benefited from it or got something out of it should face the music.

The past few months have witnessed futile attempts by the ruling party to sweep the arms deal under the carpet. The successful and hard-working Scorpions were disbanded and their leader Vusi Pikoli was fired. Mbeki was a casualty too for refusing to officially probe it.

It is wrong to demonise the DA for exposing our double standards. We want our country to be respected for protecting and defending human rights, yet we sell arms to countries that do not even know what human rights mean. I shudder to think what will happen if the Security Council imposes sanctions against South Africa.

A month ago Zuma said criminals who pose as presidents, such as Robert Mugabe, Hassan al Bashir and others, shouldn't be prosecuted for human rights crimes, for the sake of peace. They must go to the international court and prove their innocence, unlike the madness here at home where people rape and commit crime and are still innocent until proven otherwise in court.

Ncedo Mahala, Adelaide

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