Movers vow to keep Cup

SUKUMANI Sidlale Cup defending champions Matsulu City Movers have vowed to win the tournament for the third time.

SUKUMANI Sidlale Cup defending champions Matsulu City Movers have vowed to win the tournament for the third time.

But they first have to negotiate their way past Chelsea before winning the R15000 first prize.

The two sides meet in the event's final at Moyeni in Matsulu, Mpumalanga tomorrow at 2pm.

Movers coach Sipho Mthimkhulu said: "My players are on top form and we're not going to leave any stone unturned on our way to annexing the trophy."

Chelsea coach Sizwe Mamba replied: "Come Saturday we are going to be crowned the new champions."

Matsulu Legends and Regional Tigers will fight for third place in a playoff at 12 noon. - Richard Nkosi

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