Saudi man held for sex talk on TV

RIYADH - A Saudi Arabian man has been arrested for boasting about his sex life on television, the Arab News reported yesterday.

RIYADH - A Saudi Arabian man has been arrested for boasting about his sex life on television, the Arab News reported yesterday.

Jeddah resident Mazen Abdul Jawad was arrested after appearing on Red Line on Lebanon television, which is also popular in Saudi Arabia, the English daily said.

On the programme Jawad said he first had sex with a neighbour when he was 14. He also described in detail some of his later adventures. He said he uses Bluetooth on his cellphone to try to pick up Saudi women. He also gave a recipe for an aphrodisiac.

He could face charges under Saudi Arabia's Islamic sharia law for speaking openly about vice and admitting to premarital sex. If convicted, Jawad could be jailed and flogged. - Sapa-AFP

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