Cop shop rena med, AGAIN

THE ANC in the Greater Giyani municipality has welcomed the renaming of MW Makhubela police station back to Giyani.

The station was renamed after intervention by the Minister of Police Nathi Mthethwa recently.

Last year it was renamed after retired police commissioner Mafemani Wilson Makhubela by suspended police commissioner Jackie Selebi, a decision that sparked tensions in the area.

The renamed was opposed by the ANC, its alliance partners and communities around Giyani.

Makhubela found himself at loggerheads with the ANC after he joined Cope in the run-up to the elections.

ANC Greater Giyani sub-region chairperson Doris Mathebula, who is also the mayor of Giyani, said they were happy because their complaints had not fallen on deaf ears .

"We will make sure the name is removed from the police station by the end of this month," Mathebula said.

She also warned that anyone who wanted to rename a state institution should in future follow proper procedures in which all stakeholders are involved.

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