AFD does not seek limelight

While the major political parties in the country are receiving extensive coverage in the media, creating false expectations among the public, the Alliance of Free Democrats is working very hard at ground level.

While the major political parties in the country are receiving extensive coverage in the media, creating false expectations among the public, the Alliance of Free Democrats is working very hard at ground level.

Not denying that they are major players on the political terrain of the country, however, the media has played a huge role in propagating these empty promises.

The SABC in particular even covers the door-to-door campaigns of some, while it ignored the AFD's election manifesto conference last year.

The AFD is here for all those who feel dejected, cheated and hopeless and want a political home. You will never hear AFD president Themba Sono or any AFD member making a big noise about how they will do this or that for the electorate.

The AFD president has helped many people address their problems but you will never see him basking in the limelight and making frivolous statements.

What the public must know is that the AFD is the party that will effectively improve the lives of those who have been deliberately neglected. Support the AFD to ensure that all citizens enjoy democratic emancipation and feel part of South Africa.

AFD, honesty, integrity and service.

Andile Tshona,Spokesman: AFD, Pretoria

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