Only Ramaphosa can save Mzansi

The current political climate calls for a good leader. I truly believe that Cyril Ramaphosa is the only leader who can pull this country together.

Is Jacob Zuma willing to sacrifice his egotistical desire to become president and make way for Ramaphosa?

And a better question is: are Mosiuoa Lekota and company willing to sacrifice their relationship with their master, Thabo Mbeki, and lobby for Ramaphosa to guarantee them victory in the coming elections?

Though President Kgalema Motlanthe has a cool head he is not strong enough to guarantee the ANC an overwhelming majority in the next election.

The ruling party has become a normal party. The breakaway party will become a normal party with leaders who do not only preach policies, but who are proven practitioners of those policies.

My biggest question for the ANC's NEC is: is it willing to sacrifice the ANC for an individual, Zuma? Is the party so consumed with an individual that it is willing to go up in smoke for that individual?

The only way to save the ANC is for Zuma to step aside.

Whoever is wise enough to utilise Ramaphosa will emerge a clear winner in the next election.

Sefu Sekgala, Pretoria

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