11 killed in Mogadishu battle

MOGADISHU - Islamists have attacked African peacekeepers in Mogadishu, sparking a battle that killed 11 civilians and sent many fleeing the city in Somalia's escalating insurgency.

MOGADISHU - Islamists have attacked African peacekeepers in Mogadishu, sparking a battle that killed 11 civilians and sent many fleeing the city in Somalia's escalating insurgency.

In Baidoa, capital of Somalia's parliament, four people died yesterday when a bomb exploded in a donkey cart.

Insurgents have increasingly turned their fire on African Union (AU) troops. Analysts view this as a tactic to prevent more foreign intervention in a nation in civil conflict since 1991.

On Tuesday night insurgents shelled an AU base, prompting heavy return fire and tank incursions into a rebel stronghold.

The AU, whose 2 200 Ugandan and Burundian peacekeepers have done little to quell the war, said it suffered no casualties.

The pan-African body wants to hand over to the UN, but that organisation is wary of entering what some are calling "Africa's Iraq". - Reuters

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