Mugabe is confident of power deal

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe says he is confident a deal can be reached in power-sharing talks with the opposition.

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe says he is confident a deal can be reached in power-sharing talks with the opposition.

"We're not through yet, but we've taken a break," Mugabe said as he left a Harare hotel where the talks that are being mediated by President Thabo Mbeki are held.

Negotiators took a short break yesterday after a full day of negotiations. Mugabe said the talks were to resume later in the day.

Asked if there were sticking points, Mugabe answered: "There are always sticking points in any dialogue, but we are confident we will overcome." Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai left the hotel shortly afterwards, saying Mbeki would "give a press statement on the issue" and refused further comment.

The rivals had arrived at the hotel for the talks on Sunday morning. - Sapa-AFP

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