Elusive prince in court

Mary Papayya

Mary Papayya

Durban businessman and member of the Zulu royal family Prince Sifiso Zulu has appeared in the Durban magistrate's court charged with drunken driving.

He was arrested on Wednesday following a warrant of arrest issued against him. The charge dates back to July 2006.

Though police had told the media that Zulu would appear in court yesterday, he was whisked off to court shortly after his arrest on Wednesday and was released on a warning. Even the investigating officer was not aware that Zulu had appeared in court.

Zulu is at the centre of controversy after his car was involved in an accident last week in which two people were killed in a collision between his car and a bakkie in Durban.

Zulu has told police he was not driving his car at the time of the accident. Police spokesman Phindile Hadebe said his arrest on Wednesday was not related to the accident.

"The accident of March 29 involving Zulu's car is still under investigation. His arrest this week was related to his being stopped at a road block. He was allegedly driving while intoxicated.

"He had appeared in court and was granted bail. A warrant was issued after he failed to attend the subsequent court hearing."

Meanwhile, national IFP chairman Zanele Magagwaza-Msibi has urged provincial transport MEC Bheki Cele to ensure that the law takes its course.

"The MEC must not cover up for his friends but [must] ensure that the law takes its course to bring the matter to a close to allow the families to bury their loved ones in peace," she said.

She said it was disturbing that Cele had failed to take any action.

"Innocent people have died and yet there has been no progress regarding this matter."

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