SECOND SHOT: Bheka Mchunu opened the Durban Super Teahcers Centre to help students improve their symbols so they can be accepted at tertiary institutions. © Sowetan.
SECOND SHOT: Bheka Mchunu opened the Durban Super Teahcers Centre to help students improve their symbols so they can be accepted at tertiary institutions. © Sowetan.

Canaan Mdletshe

Canaan Mdletshe

KwaZulu-Natal matriculants who failed last year will have a fresh opportunity to study full-time or to improve their symbols at a newly launched centre at the Durban University of Technology (DUT).

Empangeni resident Bheka Mchunu is a former DUT graduate and said he decided to open the Durban Super Teachers Centre to help students who needed to improve their symbols so that they could be accepted at tertiary institutions.

"While I was still studying at the institution I was elected as a member of the Student Representative Council (SRC) and that's when I learnt of problems faced by students who could not be accepted because of their unsatisfactory symbols," said Mchunu.

More than 200000 pupils failed matric last year and the national Education Department is battling to accommodate them because of the new curriculum taking place this year.

Education department spokesman Ntokozo Maphisa said they don't discourage private schools because they have always been there to help students and the role they play is significant. "But students must ensure the institution is registered with the department," he said.

Meanwhile, the provincial department of education said it will begin classes next Saturday for the pupils who were not successful in last year's matric examination and have registered for the free tuition. The free tuition is only for last year's full-time matric students. The supplementary examinations in May and June are open to all candidates who want to improve their results.

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