Zille seeking cheap publicity

The ANC is a revolutionary and democratic movement. It will continue to preserve what it has advocated in the past, far more than any other organisation or media house that you will get in this country. The ANC national executive committee was elected democratically in Polokwane, guided by the ANC constitution. The masses are not stupid, as Helen Zille suggests that the "ANC is led by criminals".

Zille is just seeking cheap publicity for herself and her party. Please, someone, call this woman to order. We cannot continue to be entertained by these types of enormously unreasonable statements which lack substance.

If she is frustrated by the fact that the ANC is beginning to provide leadership on the arms deal, she must go to Cape Point and bury her head in the sand. She does not deserve to be the leader of a major South African political party.

She is purely an agent of frustrated and disgruntled ANC members who find it difficult to be removed from the centre of our politics by the unwavering membership of the ANC. The ANC leads, and ANC lives.

Mziwamadoda Mali, Eastern Cape

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