Ranatunga vows to act

COLOMBO - Sri Lanka's new cricket chief Arjuna Ranatunga took up his post yesterday, vowing to stamp out corruption in the running of the sport.

COLOMBO - Sri Lanka's new cricket chief Arjuna Ranatunga took up his post yesterday, vowing to stamp out corruption in the running of the sport.

The 1996 World Cup winning captain said an independent audit group would scrutinise the accounts of the cash-rich Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) body before he took responsibility for the finances.

"My hands are clean. I will never try to make money out of the game's administration," Ranatunga, 44, who is also a government legislator, told reporters.

The outspoken former skipper also said cricket needed to be professionalised. The game in Sri Lanka is still based on an amateur system. - Sapa-AFP

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