Madisha survives Sadtu ousting bid

Eric Naki

Eric Naki

Cosatu president Willie Madisha has survived another attempt to kick him out as head of Sadtu.

The Eastern Cape had recommended to Sadtu's national general council (NGC) at the weekend that Madisha be dismissed from the union.

But "after robust debate", the meeting resolved to refer the issue to its national executive council (NEC) later this year.

Delegates said that they were concerned that Sadtu had been dragged into the SACP's squabbles.

Problems between Madisha and some members of the tripartite alliance partners - Cosatu and the SACP - became more serious after he claimed to have handed a R500000 donation from alleged fraudster and Pretoria businessman, Charles Modise, to SACP general secretary Blade Nzimande.

Madisha is also seen as Thabo Mbeki's man in Cosatu circles and raised the ire of the union further when he instituted a probe against Cosatu general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi for allegedly abusing the federation's credit card.

Ever since these incidents earlier this year, daggers have been drawn against Madisha.

The NGC delegates urged Sadtu to maintain unity in the union, Cosatu and the alliance.

The NGC also resolved not to nominate candidates for the ANC's elective conference in Limpopo next month. Instead, it will work within ANC branches and alliance structures to popularise Cosatu resolutions on the matter.

Madisha voluntarily took temporary leave from Cosatu to allow the federation time to investigate his activities. He is accused of dividing the tripartite movement in his handling of the R500000 donation saga.

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