Mbeki and Vavi cut from same cloth

The war between Vavi and Mbeki is far from over unless the unionist is silenced with a post, even if it is Minister without Portfolio and earning thousands for doing nothing.

The war between Vavi and Mbeki is far from over unless the unionist is silenced with a post, even if it is Minister without Portfolio and earning thousands for doing nothing.

Vavi is hungry for money. He is not interested in delivering. He failed workers by concentrating on his political career at their expense.

He and Mbeki do not differ that much if one considers Mbeki's suspension of Vusi Pikoli to avoid prosecuting Jackie Selebi.

Advocate Mpshe is just a token, operating telephonically from Essop Pahad's office, and a decision-maker in government adverts.

He might be given a list of culprits to probe and arrest daily or weekly.

Vavi has turned Cosatu into his own personal instrument by disarming Madisha. We can't ignore his credit- card fraud and the refunds.

Mbeki has turned South Africa into a little Zimbabwe where Mugabe violates the constitution.

Edward C Radingoana,

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