Diarrhoea outbreak in Delmas

Alfred Moselakgomo

Alfred Moselakgomo

The Mpumalanga Health department yesterday announced a diarrhoea outbreak in Delmas in the Nkangala district.

The department said under normal circumstances 10 cases per week of diarrhoea are reported and in the past week, a record 47 cases and 26 cases in the last 24 hours were reported.

"We have already dispatched our teams to the area to take water samples of all sources of water and stool specimen to identify any presence of organisms in the water," said Mpho Gabashane, the departmental spokesman.

Gabashane said his department had not as yet identified the source of the contaminated water.

"But our teams are also visiting local private doctors to check whether any patients have reported to them with any related symptoms".

"We have also activated the multi-sectoral committee (Joint Management and Operation Committee)."

"We appeal to the people of Delmas to remain calm, report to our local clinic or hospital so that we can determine the extent of the outbreak.

"All tap water is still considered to be safe for human consumption," said Gabashane.

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