Pro boxing returns to Westbury

Bongani Magasela

Bongani Magasela

Westbury will be buzzing with excitement on Saturday.

The area in the west of Johannesburg will host seven professional fights at its Recreation Centre.

Tsebo Boxing Promotions boss Glory Khathi will stage this development boxing tournament with Westside Boxing Academy.

Organisers Benny Pailman, Peter Favor and Cliff Martins revealed that Westbury last staged a boxing tournament some 15 years ago.

"The response from people around this area since we announced this upcoming tournament has been excellent. They are delighted to have action brought right to their doorsteps," said Pailman.

Westbury produced top fighters such as Cameron "Kangaroo" Adams, Daniel "Captain Fist" Ward, Earl Morais and Favor. Hopes of another granite-jawed coloured fighter now lie with Marcel Japhta.

Japhta, who was crowned featherweight champion in last year's Baby Champs, will top the bill against Tony Mathe.

His eight fights (7 KOs and one loss) were wars and his trainers Pailman, Favor and Martins have prepared him for another one.

Koos Sibiya faces Zephania Ntsokolo, while Willie Mabasa will fight Clement Sommers.

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