Safpu worried by sale of clubs

The South African Football Players Union (Safpu) is very disappointed with the rate at which clubs are being sold in both the Premier Soccer League and the Mvela Golden League.

The South African Football Players Union (Safpu) is very disappointed with the rate at which clubs are being sold in both the Premier Soccer League and the Mvela Golden League.

In a media statement on Wednesday, Safpu said the recent rumour that Benoni Premier United have been sold to Swedish investors did not go down well with the union.

Safpu claims club bosses have the right to negotiate with any interested buyer to sell their club status, but the union must be consulted before any deal can be approved by the league.

"We have discussed these issues of selling and exchanging of status with the leagues on several occasions. Our appeal to the league is that clubs must sell as a going concern, which means the new owner must buy the team with the players' contracts." - Sapa

lSowetan has learnt that Mvela Golden League outfit FC AK are also on the verge of being sold. A source said the club may be placed under liquidation and a potential buyer has been in contact.

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