Suspensions drag on

Khangale Makhado

Khangale Makhado

Five senior Limpopo officials who were suspended with full pay more than five months ago are still waiting to have their cases concluded.

The suspensions in the department of roads and transport followed allegations that the five had violated sections of the Public Finance and Management Act as well as treasury regulations.

The allegations surfaced after the province hosted the controversial International Transport Conference.

Those suspended are general manager for road traffic safety, Walter Sathekge; senior manager communications, Phuti Mabelebele; deputy manager for eNaTIS help desk, Mogaba Mothiba; senior administrative officer, Malose Kadiaka, and road safety deputy manager, Lesiba Maponya.

Some employees have raised concern about the slow pace of the disciplinary process, especially that the five had continued to receive their salaries.

But the department yesterday defended this, saying they were suspended to prevent them from interfering with investigations.

The department's media liaison officer Boiki Tsedu said the cases had not yet been concluded because of the complex nature of the allegations.

This had resulted in the postponing of the hearing to allow all parties involved time to prepare.

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