Praise for truly African event

HAPPY: Tshiiu Monne. Pic. Unknown.
HAPPY: Tshiiu Monne. Pic. Unknown.

The Local Organising Committee deserves a pat on the back for sticking to their pledge of making the 2010 World Cup a truly African event.

The Local Organising Committee deserves a pat on the back for sticking to their pledge of making the 2010 World Cup a truly African event.

This was said by Tshiu "Buccaneer" Monne, the Lesotho Football Association (Lefa) executive committee member and public relations officer.

Monne's praises come after the LOC recommended that Fifa's executive committee allow teams taking part in the World Cup to set up bases in other countries.

Under existing rules, participating countries are allowed to set up training camps outside the host country before the finals but would have to move to South Africa at least seven days before their opening match.

LOC chief executive Danny Jordaan said they had asked Fifa to consider allowing teams to stay at bases in neighbouring countries and travel to South Africa on the day of their games.

The bases would be within a 90-minute plane journey of the match venues, which could see England staying in Maseru, Germany in Namibia and Brazil in Mozambique.

Jordaan has said they wanted other African countries to be involved as much as possible in the first World Cup on the continent.

"As the other African countries, we would like to thank the LOC and the South African Football Association for making it an African World Cup," said Monne.

"Africa is now buzzing, from Kenya, Uganda, Angola, Mauritius to Mozambique. Everybody is busy with preparations in terms of training grounds and hotels."

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