READER LETTER | DA leader Steenhuisen is showing his true colours

30 January 2024 - 10:00
DA leader John Steenhuisen.
Image: Freddy Mavunda DA leader John Steenhuisen.

I have learned with a great degree of dismay of the comments made by DA leader, John Steenhuisen, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to detect his attitude towards black people and the circumstances under which the poor find themselves.

It is a general trend in our country for those of us who are on the lowest step of the financial ladder to prefer items that we can afford in retail shops, mostly owned by those Steenhuisen represents, but surely this doesn’t deserve such ridicule and cheap political point scoring.

We cannot all queue at Woolworths, which I suspect he frequently visits, more so as it has his favourite Israel as its origin. The DA’s support for Israel and its silence of the provisional outcome of the ICJ reinforces their attitude towards the poor, the oppressed and victims of racial hatred.

Honourable Steenhuisen, if indeed he is honourable, and his DA did not even utter a word about the racists who descended on Groblersdal parading the old South African apartheid flag and singing apartheid songs. This is clearly out of fear that they will lose their traditional support base.

Steenhuisen is surely showing us his true colours and I wonder how long it will take for those black people, who follow him and clap hands every time he opens his mouth, to realise that he hates the poor and associates them with shebeens..Shame on you, John Steenhuisen and your DA.

Ben Maserumule Mamelodi East