Live life being true to yourself

10 February 2022 - 11:50
By Reader Letter
Your past is like using a rear-view mirror in the car, the writer says.
Image: 123RF Your past is like using a rear-view mirror in the car, the writer says.

A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot, and realise how blessed you are for what you have. 

Your past is like using a rear-view mirror in the car. It's good to glance back and see how far you've come. But if you stare too long there, you'll miss what is right in front of you. Living a meaningful  life is not about being rich, popular, highly educated or being  perfect.

It's about being real, being true to yourself, being strong and being able to share the little we have with others and touch their lives. It's only then that we could have a happy and contented life.

Too often we want everything we've grown used to, to remain the same, all the while forgetting that feelings fade and people change. There are people who we think will be in our lives forever but end up becoming distant memories of our past.

Don't fret feelings fading and changing people. It's a part of life, and if you are growing as a person, it's not everyone who will grow with you. You don't have to forget your past, instead learn from it and use its wisdom to help you choose people who will surround you in the future.

Irrespective of how tough and strong you are, once in your life, someone will cross your path and hurt you. That someone will take all that you are and rip it into pieces. They won't even watch where those pieces land. But  through that breakdown, you'll learn something true and valuable about yourself.

You'll learn that you're powerful beyond destruction. And no matter how hard your adversaries try to destroy you, you become  resilient by conquering anyone and anything.

Samuel Radebe, Heilbron, Free State