Winning is not about never losing

24 January 2022 - 09:10
The writer encourages matriculants who may not have done well in their final exams to go back to school and improve their marks.
Image: SHELLEY CHRISTIANS The writer encourages matriculants who may not have done well in their final exams to go back to school and improve their marks.

As matric results got issued last week, it was a moment of mixed emotions. Those who did well were ululating with joy. On the other hand, there were those whose results were disappointing.

I therefore congratulate those who did well and also reach out to those who did not.

The greatest victory in life is not in never falling but in rising after every fall. Don’t give up because a matric certificate is very important. Work hard until you get it. I passed my matric many years ago with my sister after I had to work hard to convince her to go back to school after she had quit.

I was 17 and she was 23 but we pulled together because I realised that her staying at home doing nothing would not help her in any way. She eventually passed her matric and the certificate she received is currently opening gates for her.

Quitting school without matric is the same as quitting in grade 4 because you both qualify for the same job. You may not have completed your matric in the past due to various reasons but because you are still alive, kindly register yourself in those matric second-chance programmes offered by the department of basic education.

You are never too old to try again because in life. You can’t go back and make a brand new start but you can start now and make a brand new ending. Let’s work together to ensure that we are a generation of schooled people.

Malphia Honwane, eManyeleti, Mpumalanga