Tshwane governing coalition parties to hold independent probe into allegations against mayor Randall Williams

24 August 2022 - 13:17
By Nomazima Nkosi
Tshwane executive mayor Randall Williams.
Image: Antonio Muchave Tshwane executive mayor Randall Williams.

The City of Tshwane coalition partners have agreed to have an independent investigation following allegations against mayor Randall Williams of colluding in the city's tender processes.

On Tuesday night, coalition oversight group (COG) chairperson Dr Corné Mulder issued a statement saying the coalition partners: the DA, ActionSA, ACDP, IFP, COPE and FF+ had agreed on the probe following the allegations of possible impropriety in terms of the city's supply chain policies.

Mulder said the COG consisted of national leaders of the different parties such as DA leader John Steenhuisen, ActionSA president Herman Mashaba and FF+ leader Pieter Groenewald.

The coalition partners held a meeting on Tuesday after several press conferences the DA and ActionSA held last week where they made several allegations against each other.

The statement read: “The coalition partners expressed their perspective that resolving the vulnerability of residents to Eskom load-shedding is a priority that should find expression in a competitive procurement process. The coalition further resolved that all partners remain committed to the coalition government and to clean governance. The coalition is dedicated to combat all forms of corruption, irregularities and mismanagement.

“Leaders of parties resolved on the terms of reference and the investigation will be concluded within the next 60 days and presented back to the coalition structures before being made public.

“All the coalition partners are committed to ensure a stable and successful government of the Tshwane Metro in the interests of all residents. This multi-party government serves as proof that responsible and clean government with effective consequence management is possible,” Mulder said.

The COG's statement came as EFF leader Julius Malema earlier on Tuesday said the party would support the ANC's motion of no confidence against Williams expected to be heard during Thursday's council meeting.

Malema was responding to questions regarding the pending motion of no confidence against Williams set to be tabled by the ANC on Thursday.

He was speaking at the EFF's headquarters in Marshalltown, Johannesburg, where the party delivered outcomes of its central command committee meeting at the weekend.

Williams faces allegations of interfering in the city’s supply chain management processes after a leaked audio recording of a meeting last year between himself and senior officials regarding an alleged unsolicited bid.

“We support the motion of no confidence against the mayor of Tshwane. We’re the ones who exposed the corruption in Tshwane where the mayor was trying to coerce staff members to do illegal things. We’re at the forefront of that campaign,” Malema said.

ActionSA, the EFF and the ANC accused Williams of interfering in the city's supply chain in relation to an energy investment proposal worth R26bn.