Ubuntu Millennial optimistic about the future: survey

South African youth are optimistic about the future despite social challenges in education and in households‚ a recent study has revealed.

The survey by Brands Laduma reflects the attitudes of young people between the ages of 18 and 24.

The survey which identifies the age group as Ubuntu Millennial also found that 61 % of the group had received high school education but had‚ however‚ not accessed tertiary education or been employed.

It also reveals the youth as placing more significance on tertiary education and sports rather than flashy assets.

The Ubuntu Millennial is mostly interested in soccer as a sport and exercises once a week.

Instead of the popular Android‚ they use a BlackBerry.

The Ubuntu Millennial drinks less and spends a lot of money buying fast food about four to six times a week‚ as they perceive fast food to be cheaper than buying groceries.

Piet Geustyn who is the research manager of Laduma Brands said theydecided to look at age rather than location and social class to create an idea of the typical youth in South Africa.

“What leapt out for us was how positive this guy‚ The Ubuntu Millennial is in spite of living in more difficult conditions.”