Eating disorder causes 4-year-old to eat non-food household items

Jessica Knight has been diagnosed with eating disorder Pica, which causes sufferers to develop an appetite for non-food substances.

The 4-year-old started by eating a faux leather child’s chair which was bought for her when she was two.

Her mother's attempts to stop her have caused the little girl to become secretive about the things she eats.

"To stop her I would have to remove everything from my house, including all chairs and sofas," said mom Kelly."

Jessica has eaten most of the sponge underlay of her bedroom carpet, foam padding inside an armchair and her preschool has reported that she sucks her hand when she thinks no one is watching, dips it in sand and eats the sand.

"She hides cement stones and sand in her pocket and eats it discreetly because she knows it’s not normal," said staff at her preschool.

According to the Mirror her doctor didn't see Jessica's strange eating habits as a problem and referred her to other doctors who have not yet treated her.

"We’ve been told they can’t help her until she is six and has reached the appropriate cognitive development."

The youngster gets stomach cramps and constipation from her habit and was once left screaming in pain and unable to stand.

As young as she is, Jessica is aware that what she eats is not good for her and locks her younger sister out of their shared bedroom for her not to see and mimic her behaviour.

Mom Kelly now allows Jessica to keep a small purse filled with carpet sponge to help control her intake.

Who is affected by Pica

According to Everyday Health this non-food cravings eating disorder can be found in 10 percent to 32 percent of children between the ages of 1 and 6. These youngsters will eat paint, plaster, string, hair, and cloth.

Older children consume anything from animal droppings, sand, and insects to leaves, pebbles, and cigarette butts.

Teens and adults most commonly eat clay or soil, though people have been found to ingest lead, laundry starch, plastic, pencil erasers, ice, fingernails, paper, coal, chalk, wood, plaster, light bulbs, needles, string, and wire.


Ingesting non-foods according to gsmentalillness.blogspot can cause serious medical complications such as:

  • intestinal obstruction
  • intestinal perforation
  • infections
  • toxic effects (lead poisoning)
  • excessive calorie intake
  • nutritional deprivation
  • dental problems