Bafana filling the stadiums

THE South African Football Association is pleased that the Rainbow Nation is rallying round Bafana Bafana ahead of the 2010 Fifa World Cup.

THE South African Football Association is pleased that the Rainbow Nation is rallying round Bafana Bafana ahead of the 2010 Fifa World Cup.

"The support that Bafana Bafana are getting is tremendous," said Safa chief executive Leslie Sedibe after the team's 1-1 draw with Bulgaria in Soweto on Monday night.

"It is good to see so many people coming to watch Bafana Bafana in a midweek match. Our people have embraced the team.

"We want to see more people coming to watch Bafana Bafana. It is important for the home team to do well for the success of the World Cup.

"We know the team will make us proud during the World Cup, but we need to all go in big numbers to the match venues to support them."

Sedibe also urged South Africans, who are known to be passionate about the beautiful game, to support the entire 32-nation tournament by going to the matches.

"It's not all about Bafana Bafana. We must also go out there and support the other teams when Bafana Bafana are not playing."

Sedibe said the world governing body was happy with South Africa's readiness for the quadrennial soccer spectacle starting on June 11.

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