Mabena's 25 years in radio to be celebrated (VIDEO)

Veteran radio personality and Kaya FM's breakfast show host, Bob Khomotso Mabena, talks about his 25-year celebration titled 'The Jammer Journey'.

In the video Mabena states that there will be  nationwide workshops in four major cities, he mentions Durban, Western Cape and Mpumalanga

He will write a radio "toolkit" and then there will be an internet portal where people can drop their demo's and he will critique them.

Mabena goes on to talk about the young people he's mentored in the past who are now celebrated radio personalities.

The veteran DJ also plans to write an book about his work.

"It will not be about my personal life, I mean the tabloids have already done that job for me. It will be an account of my career. When I was at Radio BOB, what happened there. From funny things that happened to sad things, all the people I've met and lost."

He then goes on to talk about his mentors and influences.

Click below to view the video:

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