Arthur's son recording album

LIKE FATHER LIKE SON: Arthur Mafokate's son Arthur Jnr recording his album in Rosebank, Johannesburg. PHOTO: MOHAU MOFOKENG
LIKE FATHER LIKE SON: Arthur Mafokate's son Arthur Jnr recording his album in Rosebank, Johannesburg. PHOTO: MOHAU MOFOKENG

NOW that kwaito king Arthur Mafokate's son, Arthur Jnr, has passed matric with distinctions in mathematics and business studies, his father has allowed him to cut his own CD.

Mafokate has finally relented and allowed his son, also named Arthur, to follow in his footsteps.

Arthur Jnr will release his debut album - curiously called Mandela - next week.

Junior, who shows a striking resemblance to his famous father, was yesterday busy shooting a video of his coming album at Club Hush in Rosebank.

The 18-year-old has long wanted to become a musician but Arthur Snr would have none of that and insisted that his son first get a matric.

"He wanted him first to complete matric. The boy did not disappoint since he passed very well by achieving two distinctions.

"The father had no choice but to allow him to follow his dream," said a source who asked not to be named.

At the video shoot yesterday, Chomee, another Arthur Snr prodigy, was all over the place supporting the young house music artist. Chomee is featured in Arthur Jnr's video.

Brian Mokoena, manager of 999 Music, Arthur Snr's recording label, said this spelt good news for their label.

"The young boy's release of this album is an affirmation that we are moving forward as a recording label by moving to the next generation," Mokoena said.

Mafokate told Sowetan Arthur Snr had insisted that there was no way he was going to allow his first born to go into the music industry without first getting an education.

"I am nervous, though , knowing how fickle this industry can be. I am happy at the same time in that he has passed. He is going straight to university. He has been awarded scholarships by two universities. He is going to study finance.

"I will remain strict. For example, no gigs during the week," said Arthur Snr.

About the album being called Mandela, Arthur Snr said he needed to consult his son, but added that the title was pregnant with symbolism.

Mafokate refused to reveal who the mother of Arthur Jnr is.

"The mother does not want to be in the spotlight. I have to respect that," he said.

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