
Mercury retrograde worst time for new projects and ties

The start of the Gregorian year, for many, signifies the shedding of one’s old self in preparation for one’s new self ...

The time between writing grade 12 exams and waiting for the release of the results comes with a feeling of anxiety and uncertainty as some have already set out their ...

Post-holiday syndrome can affect us all, but experts believe there are solutions.

Psychology in the African home Psychology in the African home

It’s 2009, I am 16 in grade 11 and I know everything! I have a sharp and witty tongue; quick responses and you really ...

Keeping quiet about mental health matters doesn’t help Keeping quiet about mental health matters doesn’t help

Stigma and discriminating against mental health creates barriers that lead to people suffering in silence and not ...

Music and healing: African spirituality specifically relies on ... Music and healing: African spirituality specifically relies on music, drums, chanting, ...

Recently, I was blessed enough to interact with two of SA’s illustriously prolific musicians Ernie Smith and Max-Hoba.