Off the field – Kgoale on her studies, life in US and her hunger for success

Lipstick Lady says she leads with her voice

19 July 2023 - 08:18
Banyana Banayana star Nomvula Kgoale.
Image: Supplied Banyana Banayana star Nomvula Kgoale.

As the Fifa Women's World Cup kicks off this week, Banyana Banyana star Nomvula Kgoale, who has just signed a partnership agreement with apparel maker Puma, tells us about her peculiar degree, life in the US and that lipstick!

What attributes are required for your position?

I’m a versatile player. I don’t play one position. I have both attacking and defensive abilities. What’s required is vision and reading the game.

You captained the U-17 national team – what are your leadership skills?

Firstly, my voice. I command and organise when needed. I also understand the need to encourage and push the team to stay on top of our game.

How was your experience at Louisiana Tech University in the US?

I excelled as a player and am now in the university’s Hall of Fame. As a person, I gained lifetime friends. It’s very difficult for me to talk about this because there are things I experienced that were so peculiar or surreal that they are too fragile for me to touch.

Tell us about your BA degree – why Geographical Information Science?

GIS endeavours to solve real life problems using software. I picked it because it was something I had never heard of and I’m all about risks and exploring.

Tell us about your nickname 'Lipstick Lady'?

The people of SA gave me the name after a viral video circulated on social media after we won Women Africa Cup of Nations. I love it. I live it. I own it because it gives me so much pride in being a woman in a space mostly deemed as a men’s sport.

Your advice to girls chasing their dreams?

Barriers are only in the mind. If you truly want something, do whatever it takes. Invest in yourself if you’re not getting the support you desire.

What keeps you hungry for success?

My purpose. There is always something that feels unfulfilled when I wake up. But with each workout I do, game I play or event I attend, I feel fulfilled by something that assures me that I’m on the right track. I’ve got something to do on this planet and whatever that purpose is keeps me going.

What attracted you to partner with Puma?

A grand brand. But who they are as human beings behind the brand was important. So, how they received my agent and spoke to her as an individual is what made me say they are my number one.