READER LETTER | Ex-ANC trio are political chameleons

17 April 2024 - 12:00
Former president Jacob Zuma believes the MK party and Julius Malema's EFF could attain majority votes in this year's elections.
Image: Twitter Former president Jacob Zuma believes the MK party and Julius Malema's EFF could attain majority votes in this year's elections.

They say politics is a dirty game. Politicians themselves are like chameleons and wolves in sheepskin. Today they say this, then tomorrow that.

Listening to what Jacob Zuma said while he was a president and comparing it to what he says today, you can hardly predict what he may say tomorrow. He is unpredictable, an opportunist of note, good in manipulation of people and situations.

Julius Malema is also like his father Zuma and big brother Ace Magashule. The three are political chameleons. On three different occasions, these three chameleons declared their unfailing love for the ANC. They declared that their blood was black, green and gold forever, and that they would never leave the ANC to form political parties, neither to take a posture that speaks to oppose the ANC. They all declared that they were born ANC and that they would die ANC.

I really pity those who have become disciples of these three traitors of the once glorious liberation movement, the ANC. How can our youth worship people involved in the VBS bank heist, the Guptagate and state capture and the Free State asbestos scandal? I agree with Prof Akinawande Oluwule Babatunde Soyinka (Noble Prize Winner) when he said: “Only in Africa will thieves be regrouping to loot again and the youths whose future is being stolen will celebrate.” The words of this wiseman rings true when you look at the MK party, a gathering of thieves and looters of note, a real “den of thieves!”

Bushy Green, Kagiso