READER LETTER | It’s time to re-evaluate your 2024 goals

29 February 2024 - 11:51
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Image: 123F File photo.

The former late president, Nelson Mandela, said “it looks impossible till it’s done”.

When the new year starts, we always have high hopes, fresh ideas, new energy and batteries fully recharged and ready to conquer the world. Talking is always a good endeavor, but springing into action is something else.

The second month of the year ends today and we are entering the third one. Now the question is, how far are we with our resolutions? Are they on track? Are they feasible? Whatever or whichever your answer is, it’s time to take stock, be resolute and do some introspection.

This year gives us an opportunity to do things right. We can only get things right by sticking to our master plans. Break your intended ideas into short and long-term goals.

Our environment and type of friends we have are big factors and are influential in our decision-making.

It’s never too late to check if we are still on track and re-evaluate. What’s working: pat yourself on the back. What’s not working: drop it like a hot potato. Wishing everyone a good, healthy,incident-free and productive year.

McDivett Khumbulani Tshehla, KwaMhlanga