READER LETTER | Opposition parties no alternative to ANC at present

28 February 2024 - 11:29
ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa dancing during the party's election manifesto launch at Moses Mabhida stadium in Durban ahead of the general elections this year.
Image: SANDILE NDLOVU ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa dancing during the party's election manifesto launch at Moses Mabhida stadium in Durban ahead of the general elections this year.

The ANC will without doubt always be credited with being the liberation movement that brought us democracy’s fruits we so dearly enjoy today.

When it came to power, it promised us heaven and earth. It promised us a better life for all, but their 30 years in power is proving otherwise. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.

Its a naked truth that their election into legislatures benches is a one-way ticket to self-enrichment and a way out of poverty. Then l ask myself, where are the opposition parties to hold them accountable?

Do they have enough ammunition to overthrow the ANC as they seem to have lost the plot? It is power drunk, tired as fatigue is taking its toll on this once mighty dynamic political movement.

The less spoken about the opposition parties the better. They dont have political acumen, dynamics, principles, fundamentals, future clarity and certainty. Instead of telling us how and what will they do to improve our lives when they wrestle power from the ruling party, they are hell-bent on focusing on dirty laundry and mud-slinging their rivals. Leave out what is happening next door and focus on whats happening in your own household.

Coalition governing doesnt work out as these marriages dismantle and dissolve hardly in their honeymoon stage.

How will the Mashabas, Malemas and Steenhuisen run the country when they fail to run metros? For now, they are licenced to drive a mini cooper not a bus.

They say a new broom sweeps clean. But l dont see any brooms here. Maybe Julius Malema was right when he said its better to vote for a devil that you know than that you dont. Voting for the opposition will be a downgrade.

As much as l want change and a better life, the ANC still remains my home as there are no other alternatives.

McDivett Khumbulani Tshehla, KwaMhlanga