About 225 Tshwane metro officers investigated for corruption

Department urges motorists to record videos or take photos of alleged offences

27 June 2023 - 13:56
By Koketso Ratsatsi
The Tshwane metro police department is investigating 225 cases against its officers. File photo.
Image: Twitter/ Tshwane media team The Tshwane metro police department is investigating 225 cases against its officers. File photo.

At least 225 Tshwane metro police department (TMDP) officers are in hot water for corruption including taking bribes from motorists. 

The department’s spokesperson Isaac Mahamba told Sowetan that they were investigating 225 cases against their officers and these ranged from corruption, bribery, extortion to kidnapping. The incidents happened over the past 12 months. The department also urged motorists to record videos or take photos of such malicious actions to help curb unlawfulness.  

In a recent incident an employee from the Motor Industry Staff Association was extorted by officers at a roadblock at the Atterbury offramp of the N1 highway. The officers allegedly demanded the driver transfer money to their accounts as bribery for an alleged traffic offence.  

The company’s CEO Martlé Keyter said her employee had been unsuccessful in transferring money to the cellphone numbers of the six officers and had to go to the nearest ATM to withdraw  cash.

“He went to the Sinoville police station where officers allegedly refused to open a case because he did not have the name of the suspect. He was standing in front of the police officers when the allegedly corrupt officer phoned him from her personal cellphone asking for her money,” said Keyter. 

A corruption case was opened the next day at the Lyttelton police station. 

Mahamba admitted that this case was brought to their attention and was under investigation. 

“As the department we are aware of these allegations and they are receiving attention both internally and externally,” he said, adding that the TMPD was considering using body cameras, a move that the Johannesburg metro police was also considering. 

Mahamba said members of the public or motorists are required to stop when asked to do so by police officials or traffic officers and have the right to ask officers to produce their appointment cards.  

“And it [card] must be produced. As the department, we went a step further and advised members of the public that if they are in a situation where TMPD members demand money or try to steal their valuables in their vehicles they may record such incidents for us as the department to investigate them further. This was prompted by the high number of cases we received,” he said.