Six arrested for torching car and disrupting special votes in North West

07 May 2019 - 10:28
By Iavan Pijoos
Disgruntled protesters in Ikageng set alight an empty ballot box. File photo.
Image: Rodger Bosch/AFP Disgruntled protesters in Ikageng set alight an empty ballot box. File photo.

North West police arrested six people after they allegedly torched a presiding electoral officer's car and disrupted special votes in Ganyesa on Monday.

Police spokesperson Brig Sabata Mokgwabone said the car was set on fire while the voting process was being disrupted.

He said police were investigating the incident. Disgruntled protesters in Ikageng also set alight an empty ballot box.  

Disruptions were also reported in Potchefstroom and Taung.

National police commissioner Khehla Sitole arrived in the province on Tuesday as special voting continued for a second day.

North West and KwaZulu-Natal provinces were identified as hot spots ahead of the elections.

The first day of special voting in the Eastern Cape was also disrupted when communities in Ginsberg, outside King William’s Town, and Idutywa barricaded the entrance to their areas with burning tyres and rocks.

Electoral Commission officials were threatened with violence when they tried to enter Ginsberg.